The recently published Hungarian translation of a Holy See guide criticizes the gender ideology that radically separates gender and identity and warns about the principles to be followed by Catholic schools.

"He created them male and female" - this is the title of a thin booklet published by the Holy See in Hungarian in 2019, with the subtitle: "For the sake of dialogue on the issue of 'gender in education'".

On the first page of the document, he states: "we are in a real educational emergency, especially in the area of ​​emotional life and sexuality". There are many educational programs that are apparently neutral, but in fact "reflect an anthropological approach contrary to faith and common sense." This "anthropological misdirection, which is widely characteristic of the cultural climate of our time, has undoubtedly contributed to the destruction of the family, with the aim of eliminating the differences between men and women, which are seen as mere historical-cultural phenomena/conditions."

gender book


The text published by the Congregation for Catholic Education points out that gender ideology denies the essential differences and reciprocity between men and women. As the authors - Prefect Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi and Secretary Archbishop Angelo Vincenzo Zani - put it: "this ideology introduces educational programs and legislative directives that promote a personal identity and emotional relationship radically separated from the biological identity between men and women. In this way, it makes a person's identity dependent on the individualistic, even changing, decision of each person".

Gergely Szilvay's entire article on Mandiner .