The erstwhile national party has now turned into a daytime hotbed for far-left political homeless people, a congregation of unconvinced figures, and is moving at the speed of light towards its complete and final destruction, István Apáti, the former vice-chairman of Jobbik and the representative of Mi Hazánk in the parliament, told Magyar Hírlap. He promises that he will do everything to put an end to Péter Jakab's political rampage. Károly Bán interviewed the politician.

- In connection with the sexual scandal that broke out in Jobbik, the partner of former vice president György Szilágyi was promised legal assistance and even protection. Why did you throw yourself into this case with such zeal?

- Because everyone in Mi Hažánk is outraged by this act, and I especially, since it is related to my constituency. , I have a personal responsibility for the fact that the person named in the report, István Földi Not to mention that Péter Jakab and his discredited team are slyly running away from responsibility, which I will not allow. I will do everything in order to put an end to Jakab's political rampage. If the victim of the act takes advantage of the opportunity, he can count on the legal assistance of Mi Hazánk, and our community will also take care of his protection, so that he will be able to testify during the criminal proceedings without influence or coercion. To quote a classic, he can boldly reveal every detail of the truth.

"With what, what can you help me with specifically?"

– It is important to emphasize that at the current stage of the case I can only express an opinion. The available information points in the direction that the former mayor of Kocsord, Péter Jakab's weapon bearer and campaign assistant, may be on the side of the perpetrators, and the crown witness in the case is Csaba Gyüre, who had a parliamentary mandate in December 2021 when the act was committed . From the signs so far, it can be seen that Jakab and his circle will do everything in order to prevent the investigative authorities from being able to prove the commission of the crime. At the same time, the political, moral and legal responsibility of the Jobbik president can be stopped, and if the justice system works efficiently, this can be proven.

- The party chairman referred to the fact that he was drunk...

– I know from the Magyar Hírlap article that István Földi also made this excuse, which he explained by saying that he thought something had been mixed into his drink. It also shows that you could sleep with the window open, because it won't be stolen. If something was mixed in your drink, why didn't you report it right away? If this were true, then it is clear that Jobbik is always inferior, because what kind of team is one of whose members puts something in one of the other's drinks at a private party? They are digging deeper and deeper into this fundamentally unsavory matter. Jakab or Földi will give an ugly account of themselves if they believe that referring to the influence of alcohol will protect them from prosecution.

Just because they have drunk themselves to the point of total loss on the pork belly, they are not exempt from responsibility. The attempted forced sexual intercourse may have taken place on December 11, in the late evening hours. Jakab posted the video of the party, and it was even visible on his social media page for months, even though he had to know what happened during the pork belly weekend, if not from others, then from his colleagues on the morning of December 13 at the latest. What kind of party leader, what kind of politician, what kind of abominable figure is he who knows about the disgraceful sexual terror from the stories of his colleagues, but still proudly shows the video related to this evening in front of the country and the world? As a person with a degree in law, I would point out and recommend to the attention of the authorities that Péter Jakab is in the anteroom of aiding and abetting crimes committed by an official. In fact, I think this plot has been realized. He no longer denies that he learned about what happened. He also does not deny that he tried to convince the victim's life partner, also his fellow faction member, the vice president of the party, not to make a case out of it.

Neither ethically nor criminally. However, with this, Jakab tried to thwart the success of the criminal proceedings, which is a textbook case of aiding and abetting committed as an official. This Btk. is a crime punishable by up to five years in prison, which is more than enough to end his inglorious career. A Member of Parliament who is convicted of a crime, even if only fined, automatically loses his mandate.

Source: Magyar Hírlap

Author: Károly Bán

(Header image: Hír TV)

You can read the full interview here.