May 11, i.e. today, is the liturgical memorial day of Sára Boldog Salkaházi, the social brother who was martyred on December 27, 1944, on the eve of which the Society of Social Brothers has been organizing an intercessory prayer evening with the motto "Heavenly resource" for years. The thanksgiving concelebrated mass was presented on Tuesday, May 10, by Cardinal Péter Erdő, Primate, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest in the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Budapest .

In his introduction, the senior pastor emphasized that the Mass presented on the eve of the martyrdom of the Blessed Sára Salkaházi may have a special intention, a plea, that Brother Sára may use for us the spiritual insight that characterized his life and career, so that we too can see our tasks in life, but also , which is crooked, which is unacceptable, needs to be corrected according to God's will, in the deeper and spiritual sense of the word.

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Source: Wikipedia

In his homily, Péter Erdő reminded us: in recent weeks, we have been able to pay attention to a series of small pieces of news, which in themselves may not draw a big arc, but nevertheless rhyme with motifs found in the life of martyr Sára Boldog Salkaházi. We often hear Transcarpathian place names. We know from the life of Sára Boldog Salkaházi that he was active in Subcarpathia during the difficult times, for example in the districts of Raho and Técső.

Transcarpathia is once again suffering from special needs, if you like, it carries special social problems

the cardinal drew attention to the sad situation. "Why?" he asked the question. – Maybe the geographical environment condemns the people living there to poverty? But if geography also includes humans, then this is probably what we are talking about, since human society is the one that carries it and creates poverty through its operation.

He also touched on the fact that lately there are more and more news about people being treated very strangely and cruelly by some people; they reject and vilify them, artists, scientists - living and dead - people who have nothing to do with politics; they become targets of attacks only because they belong to a certain people.

What kind of soul resides in those who relate to others in this way? asked Péter Erdő. He warned: we have to consider this very sensitively, because this was also the problem in the time of brother Sára, entire human communities were stigmatized, and even belonging to them was considered a sin, even in retrospect. Books were thrown out and burned. And now something like this is happening again, in the so-called educated West.

The Holy Spirit has never left the Church, we trust that he guides us even now, in answering questions that may be old, but are very current.

"God grant that we recognize the right step that the provident God expects from us, both in the case of helping love and the great path of salvation history. For this, we ask for the intercession of Blessed Sára Salkaházi, the martyr, in today's Mass, but also at other times. Amen," Cardinal Péter Erdő concluded his homily.

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