Germany would be willing to support the introduction of an embargo on Russian crude oil by the European Union member states without Hungary, German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck said in an interview on Monday.

In an interview broadcast on the German national public radio station Deutschlandfunk, the politician of the Green Party emphasized that he was disappointed by the delay in the case of the Russian oil embargo.

He pointed out that the negotiations and negotiations are led by the European Commission. He added: if the president of the Brussels board says that "we will do it with the 26 of us, without Hungary, then this is a path that I would always support."

He underlined that he had not heard such a proposal from the chairman of the committee, and he himself expects that in the end it will be "as it has always been" in the EU, i.e. "some countries will receive quasi-special rights" - relief, reprieve - but the EU will introduce the new punitive measures uniformly, with the participation of all member states.

Katarina Barley from the largest government party, the Social Democrats (SPD), also told Deutschlandfunk over the weekend that it should be implemented without Hungary by the European Commission in May the plan presented at the beginning.

Source: Democrat

Image: MTI/EPA