Gone are the days of hot cabinet chief hugs….

, Péter Jakab has been building the wildest pro image for himself and Jobbik.

He must have put a lot of thought into how he could steal his way into people's hearts. He came to the conclusion that yelling at the workers, Parisians, red gold, and leather jackets are close to the people's soul. (Obviously, the Hungarian people rewarded this in a worthy way afterwards.)

However, this image building is a lot of work for one person.

Therefore, a strong confidant was needed in order to push the party from the state of identity crisis towards the Parisian identity.

And Enikő became a perfect companion.

He is a real hungaroredneck , who gives a small lecture in a mammoth as part of a national radical party and who you can believe without question that he wears red and gold lipstick. On the other hand, it was also a great help on the emotional side. He is the one who breathes life back into the tormented party chairman with a hug from the head of the cabinet, considered and judged on a professional basis, after difficult days of playing potato balls.

It is understandable that they became like peas and pods at the head of the party. But the harvest came, at the end of which you tested me and found it easy.

It should have been canceled even after that, but then came the rape scandal, which again failed to be handled normally.

Even with the slowest understanding, this could not be tolerated any longer: this is how Potocskáné rebelled against the Prolitandem. Based on the information leaked from the party, Eniko was the first to be dealt with. And now they are already working hard to distract Péter (who threatens to continue working as an independent).

So now the party will have a short infighting, the outcome of which is just as irrelevant as who wins the Real World .

The real question is why Jobbik is not discussing self-dissolution after a historic defeat and a sexual violence scandal.

Source: 888.hu

Author: Imre Márton Schüller

Picture: Róbert Hegedűs