The call of the Three Kings, Three Queens Movement.

"Those who are happy for children should display a baby flag in their window, house, or office on Children's Day!

If you have even one of our new life baby flags, display them on the children's day!

The weekend is all about children's programs, because Children's Day is here! From small family days to the biggest events, on Sunday, May 29, everything is about the children and everyone is happy for the children. Therefore, on Children's Day, the Three Little Princes, Three Little Princesses Movement asks the flag owners, municipalities, civil organizations, private individuals and local organizations of the Movement participating in the Baby Flag program to set up the baby flag on this day!

This is how we can greet the children together! We believe that children's day is even for babies! Thus, even newborns who cannot participate in Children's Day events can become part of Children's Day.

One of the mottos of our movement is that the child is the greatest value, the child is our future. More than 600 baby flags are already flying in more than 250 Hungarian settlements. Advertise every new baby with a baby flag across the country!”

Source and title image: Three Kings, Three Kings Movement