Those who lived during communism know that the bearers of this idealism can still be found in our society, in our state organizations, and they "work" hard. They are hardy types, capable of creating mutations, such as those appearing in the guise of ultraliberalism or those who see their future in the open society commanded by Soros. Their dream is political globalism based on one party. - writes László Csizmadia, president of CÖF-CÖKA, in Magyar Hírlap

We have learned that the system change decided upon since 1989 cannot be completed as a one-off, continuity is mandatory. Social life always brings new factors to the surface, which must be answered within the framework of the rule of law.

Our adopted Basic Law set the direction to be followed on the ground of democracy, how to proceed on the road to system change. We can see that the wild drives emerging from the roots of communism considered the abolition of our legitimate Basic Law a primary target before the 2022 parliamentary elections. The elected representatives of the National Assembly are responsible for creating the laws, over which the Constitutional Court watches over, in proportions related to parties. The opposition parties, turning into a power-hungry horde, would have abolished our Basic Law, which relies on our historical constitution, even with a fifty percent majority, with foreign financial and media aid.

The Brussels bureaucrats organized by György Soros and the communities of pseudo-civilians in Hungary, the NGOs, made it their work program to influence free elections. The Orbán government was claimed as a target. However, the followers and founders of good governance, the majority of the Hungarian people, could not be brought to justice. Under the supervision of the OSCE, they fell into their own trap.

The people have decided, now for the fourth time in a row and with a constitutional majority. In twenty years, between 2002 and 2022, the opposition, like a snake, bit its tail again. They got from Gyurcsány to Gyurcsány. The result: they fell together with their leader. There are three Hungarian truths, one addition, there is no going back from here. The worship of political globalism and the betrayal of the practice of party pluralism opened the voters' eyes and poured clean water into the glass. Nowadays, many "little Gyurcsánys" are gouging out each other's eyes. They forgot why they received the trust and authorization from the voters. There is a cockfight between the opposition party leaders, sometimes hens crow.

The majority of the Hungarian people and our elected government are increasingly united. Let's repulse the attacks coming from the outside with joint strength, which are just as dangerous as the actions of the opposition no-man's houses bent on Judas money.

NER shifted into a higher gear. According to our old-new government, the soul of everything is order. Order, system, regularity. Disciplined, responsible work above and below. In this way, we can protect family allowances, reduce utilities, and give priority to young people and pensioners. We can stay out of the war, we will not be the toys of the great powers, we can proclaim that Europe chooses itself.

Subsidiarity is a democratic means of protecting interests at all levels. The smallest social and economic community, the family, is organically connected to the surrounding employer, institutional and corporate systems. Families are directly affected by their contractual relationship with employers. The trade unions formed in the Kádár system and then ossified are now incapable of protecting their interests. The majority of their leaders are livelihood cadres, most often the guardians of their own existence. They squandered the former assets of the SZOT, divided them according to their power interests, their goal was to prevent the creation of an autonomous trade union movement independent of the party political field and post-communist forces. Even today, they are strongly associated with the successor parties that emerged from the MSZMP, the MSZP and the DK, which can no longer be called left-wing.

The primary interest of Hungarian families is the preservation of the Christian-national-conservative social ideology. Their institutional and corporate interests are protected by Law I of 2012 XXI. chapter, which deals with trade union rights, the right to represent interests, the right to express an opinion, the right to enter the workplace, etc. regulates, today it is no longer in a relationship of thanks to the management of workplace problems. In connection with new legislation, the protection of the interests of employees must be increased. The establishment and mandatory duties of family-friendly workplaces must be ensured. Based on the principle of subsidiarity, the protection of interests must be entrusted to workplace communities.

The performance of institutions and companies depends decisively on the preservation of workplace peace and the role of the caring state.

In a well-functioning economy, the result can mean the enrichment of all members of society. With the reasonable intervention of the state, the interests of owners and employees can be synchronized. Newly established investments with state support should create a family-friendly community. Thanks to Hungarian taxpayers, we have become one of the most attractive investment areas in the world. According to the decision of our government, foreign and domestic enterprises established with state support are being formed one after the other, which means an increase in GDP for the benefit of all of us.

The common interest of owners and employees is to operate family-friendly workplaces that optimize the efficiency of the institution and companies. This not only affects wages, but also the coordinated cooperation of the local community of interests of owners and employees, with which they can increase goal attainment, effectiveness, and the related loyalty of employees. The intolerable situation that calls workers to the streets to achieve party-interested goals and threatens to disrupt the country's economic operation by making unfounded strike demands against the annual budget passed by the Parliament must be eliminated. With incitement, workers' dissatisfaction is raised to the level of the trade union sector - often based on false arguments and data.

A community of employee interests must be created between employers and employees that takes into account novel interests to a great extent. The basis for this is that both parties, the owner and the employee, coordinate their interests. With the flow of information, consensus is found at a common table before conflicts arise. The future of the institution or company is a primary consideration. Future-oriented investments, with the financial contribution of the owners, ensure better conditions for employees and their families, for example in the fields of education, sports, and health care.

This social approach expresses the commitment of the caring state and the owner to improve the future of families. The protection and strengthening of the Christian-national-conservative approach is gaining more and more ground in the European Union. Thus, for example, the UGL trade union in Italy or the SOLIDARIDAD trade union in Spain are becoming increasingly popular because they follow the interest protection system outlined so far.

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Source: Magyar Hírlap/László Csizmadia

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