The Salkaházi evenings series was launched in 2020 by the Archdiocese of Esztergom-Budapest and the Society of Social Brothers. After the coronavirus epidemic, it started again in May with a performance by Balázs Barsi. The speaker of the June event will be Cardinal Péter Erdő.

At the monthly Salkaházi Evenings, the questions of today's social and everyday life are reviewed with a Catholic eye. The series of events was named after the social brother Sára Boldog Salkaházi. From a young age, the martyred journalist fought for the enforcement of truth, the rights of women, the poor and the oppressed, wrote articles, held lecture tours, and organized movements. He got involved in the worldview courses started by Margit Slachta, and in shaping the public spirit. Its purpose was to bring various aspects of the life of individual people, society and the state into conflict with Christian truths.

Participating in the events allows us to examine the difficult-to-understand life situations of society and the individual with a Catholic eye.

The next evening will be held on June 15 from 6 p.m. at the Szent Máté Cultural Center in Budapest, Damjanich utca 50. No prior registration is required to participate in the event.

More information about the event website of the diocese .


Featured image: Archdiocese of Esztergom-Budapest