The last two plans, the idea of ​​a "frugal city-state" given to increasing energy costs and the idea of ​​a public space named after Gyula Horn, who ignited memory policy debates, are school examples of bloody do-nothing. We are no longer surprised that the summer traffic jams come on schedule due to unprofessional planning.

It is as if we have returned to the Demszky era. Spectacular politics, coalition crisis, an increasingly unlivable city. Absurd ideas instead of plans, liberal utopias in the absence of action, idleness instead of work and lots and lots of talk about what a real world city should be like. Of course, the current government can make sure that the country's capital is not built, beautified, or developed.

Kata Tüttő's proposal to limit public lighting and public services in order to save energy is nothing more than a window dressing policy. After Christmas, the savior of the MSZP joined the long line of European politicians for whom a green utopia is much more important than the real needs and legitimate demands of the community, as well as people's everyday ups and downs. There is an idea, somewhere far in the future, which we will never reach, but Kata Tüttő politicians are convinced that they have exclusive knowledge of what is good for people. Utopias require sacrifices, which is what Gergely Karácsony and Kata Tüttő are now asking Budapest residents to do.

The left-wing Budapest city government would join the Brussels initiative, the essence of which is for people to heat, cool, cook and drive less in order to consume less energy. Because this, they believe, will lead to one of the best possible worlds. According to the deputy mayor, this also helps to create peace, which is so stupid that even a utopian green politician would blush.

But what is the logic in this? Why is this good for the people of Budapest?

Utopia believers were never concerned with such questions, for them there is no rationality. Utopians don't care about inconsistency and are cold-hearted about whether people want what they consider the best of all possible worlds. In fact, they never cared about people after all. That's how the communists were, and that's how the progressive greens and their associated left-wing auxiliaries behave now.

(It is not out of the question to mention the absurdity that, meanwhile, Kata Tüttő is relaxing her efforts as a city manager on luxury vacations worth millions. But utopians are just that: the sacrifices must not be made by them, but by the people.)

Gergely Karácsony, in a surreal way, initiated the naming of a public square after Gyula Horn in addition to his commemoration of Imre Nagy. The purpose of igniting these kinds of political debates is to divert attention from the lack of ideas.

Historian Áron Máthé, vice president of the National Monument Committee, wrote everything about this on the Mandiner portal: "I am convinced that according to the current legislation, naming a public area after Gyula Horn is not possible, and it would not be a good idea anyway. After all, the preamble of today's Basic Law, the National Creed, clearly states: we agree with the representatives of the first free Parliament, who stated in their first resolution that our freedom today arose from our 1956 revolution. Therefore, anyone who participated in or supported the suppression of 1956 cannot serve as a eponymous genius." That's it.

The capital management is not suitable to continue the constructions that took place during the Tarlós era, just as Karácsony became unworthy of leading the city. Even under the leadership of Gábor Demszky, Budapest, which has become homeless, is not going forward, but going backwards... We have "only" two and a half years to endure! Until then, let's pray that this unworthy company causes as little damage as possible to the country's capital!

Source: Magyar Hírlap

Author: Ervin Nagy

Photo: Pest Boys