It's summer and we're still cold! So we light the fire in the fairy tale stove and try to survive. But what? First of all, our own fears and anxieties, without which we are slowly not willing to go even a single step. Or is there something else?

So we light the fire in the magical world of METAkályha (FACEBOOK) and listen to the stories coming at us, from making stir-fried soup to Putin's sunbathing to the wide range of Orbán jokes and "this summer, but if not, we'll be fried the next. Globally, we are warming more and more, but we had to warm up even before that, because the last time it was this warm was only 73 (105, 210, etc.) years ago.

Europe sanctions. Ukraine does not let go of an iota of the ancient Russian land, the real Ukrainian Crimean Tatars somehow disappeared, America encourages Ukraine not to let go, the Russians meanwhile, who knows why, but they will become very rich, and while they are going bankrupt they will transform the world order, China, Brazil, With the involvement of South Africa and India, a new economic mechanism is launched, bye-bye US dollar and unipolar world order.

According to Chomsky, Putin did not necessarily want to be Peter the Great, but after Europe, the Germans, the French, the Ukrainians and others did not adhere to the Minsk agreement, he felt it was time to make it clear that NATO could not come closer, which, by the way, is the only military block in Europe today and not very friendly with the Russians.

Although the Americans promised Gorbachev that, for God's sake, they should just let Germany unite and then they wouldn't push NATO's borders one iota closer, but they just overthrew Gorbachev, made Yeltsin drink, and hip-hop, in the nineties, they were already lying in wait near Russia Western missiles.

Now there is a war, the logic of war prevails. We also have to prepare and have something to fear.

We have to arm ourselves even though we have other problems. But war is irrational, we cannot know when we, or especially our Transcarpathian brothers, will be in the crosshairs. This is not our war and let there be peace! - says the Prime Minister, but we cannot help but be weak and rely on the fact that they will protect us. History has proven many times that we can only rely on ourselves. When we trusted the great powers, from Hunyadi to Trianon, we always had to pay a bitter price. Hungary is a member of the NATO alliance system. But there is no need for the weak, and who knows what the future will bring?

If you are bored with the war, you can read the liberal filth heaped on brother Csaba.

One of Brother Csaba's colleagues was sentenced to 30 years on terrible charges for harassing, abusing and abusing the children entrusted to him in an institution in Székelyföld. But the liberal press is already presenting Csaba Böjte Déva's children's rescue foundation as the devil's stronghold, in which Dickensian conditions prevail.

What this educator did is unforgivable, whoever knew about it but did nothing must also be held accountable. But it is distasteful to immediately plow the entire activity of the monk in the light or in the shadow of this scandal. The (anti)theologian Rita Perintfalvi, the American People's Voice and other left-wing lurkers come forward at this time and cast aspersions on the Catholic Church, the Orbán government and everyone who supports the foundation where thousands of orphaned and abandoned children grew up and were found. their prosperity in the last thirty years. Grown people today. Whatever they may say about the father, they think of him with gratitude, as do we. God bless your work!

The Nobel Committee accepted his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

We are also cold because inflation is increasing, products are becoming more expensive and protective price caps are needed. The left is attacking this from the outside and the inside. So to speak, the government interferes in economic processes, sir! skims off the extra profit of multiples. Yes. The government is not a servant, but a part of the processes, and if necessary, it has the duty to regulate them with direct means. In a war situation, this is especially necessary and it is very correct that any company - for example Ryanair, famous for its drunken leader - tries to pass on the need for extra profit to its customers. There are more and more problems on the wooden platform, more passengers are left behind, more are taken on the plane than there are seats, etc. The service could be improved. And especially the style! Anyone who publicly idiots the government cannot be considered a serious partner. And not just because of that.

And even migration. The prime minister announced that he wants to create a new organization within or outside of the Ministry of the Interior, which will suppress the growing migration from the south even more effectively than the current one. In connection with the food shortage, the activity of human traffickers is also increasing, so far this year twice as many have been caught as last year. And the numbers are growing. And the EU still doesn't financially support this work (either) - again, we can't count on them.

So it's summer, but we're still cold.

We look at the shadows on the walls of our everyday lives and we can certainly determine that our anxieties are not completely unfounded.

But have a nice summer everyone!

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