The Barsi Museum, located next to the Léva castle, commemorates the former castle captain of Léva with a worthy exhibition on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of his death. The exhibition Stephanus Dobo de Ruzka 450 anni summarizes István Dobó's life, military activities and work in the highlands.

At the opening, Péter Pleva , an employee of the Barsi Museum, curator of the exhibition, explained: in connection with the jubilee, the exhibition commemorates István Dobó . As part of the opening, the audience could hear an interesting presentation about the reconstruction of the noble party unearthed from the Dobó tombs. A replica of the nearly 450-year-old Míves decorated party could be admired during the performance.

The exhibition, arranged in two exhibition rooms of the museum, can be viewed for almost half a year. In the exhibition at the Nécsey Gallery, we can follow the life of István Dobó. Information boards briefly summarize his life, his military role, and the events of the Léva period. In addition, visitors can see period combat equipment. Most of the objects on display are from the collection of the Léva museum. However, the Thain Mór Museum in Érsekújvár also lent a few weapons for the exhibition.

Portraits of the people who determined the events of the second half of the 16th century, rulers, generals, Suleimans... can also be viewed here.

...The exhibition space in the Dobó castle was mainly designed for family visitors and children. Here, those interested can find wood-based puzzle versions of works depicting István Dobó and Léva Castle in certain periods. In addition, coloring, wood-based weapons and building blocks are also used to entertain visitors.

In one corner, the study of Géza Gárdonyi comes to life, commemorating the author of the Egri stars...

...The exhibition can be viewed at the Barsi Museum until November 27.

Source and title image: Felvidééter Pásztor

The full article can be read here.