According to the leaders of the world's largest companies, it is conceivable that the introduction of a ticket system for fuel will be necessary in Europe.

Portfolio has published a gloomy analysis of the development of the world economy. The portal writes that the growth of the world economy is already slowing down, and Europe is facing increasing energy supply problems. As winter approaches, the chances of having to economize on gas increase, which further worsens growth prospects.

According to the Portfolio, as the winter heating season approaches and tensions between Russia and Europe intensify, the chances that the continent's energy supply will be uninterrupted this year decrease. The leaders of the world's largest companies can imagine that

In Europe, it will be necessary to introduce a ticket system for fuels,

and it is quite possible that many countries on the continent will not have enough natural gas at all. In other words, the question no longer arises as to what price gas will be available, but also as to whether there will be a sufficient amount at all.

The portal claims that Europe now faces four scenarios:

1., There will be enough gas for companies and the population, there will be no need for savings and restrictions.

2. With restrictions and small usage restrictions, but basically there will be enough gas for companies and the population.

3., The restrictions will not be enough, and a temporary shortage will occur, which will affect economic operators, cause factory shutdowns, and reduce production.

4. There will be a serious energy shortage across Europe, with significant production disruptions, while the supply of the population becomes questionable.

The portal believes that there is less and less chance for the most favorable scenario to be realized, since there is no turning point in the Russian-Ukrainian war, the conflict and the sanctions policy are also prolonged. On the other hand, the realization of the second and third scenarios seems more and more likely, and it is less and less possible to rule out that the last one will happen, since the opposition between Russia and the Western world (including the EU) is constantly worsening.

Featured image: Sergej Vasiljev/Reuters