The Catholic Charity Service has announced the subsidized training of cycle monitoring instructors starting in the fall of 2022. The program is part of the organization's Natural Child Blessing project.

Cycle tracking is a method developed by doctors that is based on the observation of unique physical signs of female hormonal activity. With the right application, a woman can know exactly what is happening in her body.

inquire and apply for support at the e-mail address [email protected]

Application deadline for the grant: August 1, 2022.

The number of supported sites is limited. When applying, it is an advantage if someone knows the chosen cycle tracking method at the user level or has started learning it.

The Natural Child Blessing project of the Catholic Charity Service brings together those who teach the cycle tracking methods available in Hungary today and the health professionals who use them in their medical work (gynecologists, endocrinologists, etc.). For doctors who have received the NaPro Technology and FEMM Health trainings organized by Catholic Charities, the appropriate cycle tracking chart is the basis for medical assistance to couples who may be experiencing infertility or other health problems.

Source and full article: Magyar Kurír

Featured Image: Pixabay