"Viktor Orbán's speech at CPAC has become one of the main subjects of public discourse in the United States," wrote Balázs Orbán, political director of the prime minister, on his Facebook page. He added that many people wrote their opinions and thoughts and drew conclusions based on what the Hungarian Prime Minister said. Balázs Orbán highlighted the writing of the American writer-philosopher Rod Dreher, senior staff member of the American magazine The American Conservative and friend of Hungary, which, according to him, contained two main lessons:

It must be recognized that we are not living in a time of politics as usual, but a time when the survival of Western civilization is at stake - and we who are grateful for Western civilization, despite its many faults, stand to lose.

Source: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher

Source: MTI/Prime Minister's Press Office/Benko Vivien Cher

We must be willing to do what liberals do: use the power of the state to achieve our own goals.

Liberalism is not neutral; it is a fiction. And Viktor Orbán understood this. The American right must learn this lesson and apply it, because the only political institution in which the right has any meaningful influence in the United States today is the state. By now the American army has also woken up, we are in serious trouble.

According to Rod Dreher, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's speech was a huge success at the event held in Dallas - this was proven by the storm of applause following his speech on Hungarian family policy. The philosopher emphasized that when the prime minister spoke about "the mother is a woman, the father is a man, and our children should be left alone", the audience cheered and applauded.

He recalled, for example, that the AP news agency called the Hungarian prime minister an autocrat, although

he became the head of the Hungarian government for the fourth time in a row through free and fair elections.

While the AP reporter complains that our country is governed solely by Viktor Orbán's party, Fidesz, Rod Dreher emphasizes that this is not a unique case: the United Kingdom is also governed solely by the Conservative Party.

Do you know why? Because in both cases these parties won the most votes in the elections. In a parliamentary democracy, this means that this party forms the government, writes the American writer-philosopher.

Source: Hungarian Nation

Featured image: Hetek/Dósa Győző