Although the independent representative's remuneration is not a dog, but compared to the fact that Péter Jakab was party chairman and faction leader at the same time, and was able to manage with an income of six million per month, not to mention having control over human destinies, he was very much at the end of the line. And the confidant who went from BKV ticket inspector to Mamuszka, who for a long time did not check the validity of tickets, but Jakab, and who does what and what he thinks should be done in Jobbik. Now, in his final desperation, he spends his time staging an open stage provocation at the party's event in Miskolc.

So it's over! These two people have run out of coffee.

Jakab's main problem is that he can neither win nor lose. As we have seen, he has repeatedly failed in the elections, but now, when his honor in Jobbik has run out and he was forced to quit, he pretends that this failure is not a failure, but a real success, because he is loyal, but how many people support him on Facebook. Here he announces that he is on the side of the people.

Of course, Jakab always says what is in his current interest, not what his political beliefs are. Of course, it would be difficult to find such a thing in him, because it can be difficult to expect political conviction from someone who felt as at home in the far-right Jobbik as he did peeking out from Gyurcsány's backroom.

In English: Jakab never stood on the side of the people. He always wanted to feed his political mantra based on his current interests to people. Preferably with as many people as possible.

Of course, the new political formation can be formed, of course Mamuszka will help him in this as well, but as he has done so far, so in the future it is expected that he will only bring trouble to his political everyday life.

Jakab's fate was already predicted by Moliere four hundred years ago when he said:

"When a clown moves into the palace, he doesn't become a king, but the palace becomes a circus."

Doesn't Péter Jakab think that people don't really believe a clown that he's on the side of the people?

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