"DK's pride comes from itself," he informs anyone who doesn't know. Fletó grabbed a keyboard again on Tuesday morning. Then again, what happened... Let's see:


"A successful struggle also requires pride. It is primarily your cause that makes him proud. We fight for a good cause. DK's pride also stems from itself. From being born in the midst of constant attacks, we live and continue to progress. We made a strong, united party that looked after each other. And not for ourselves. For our country. We are getting ready.”

A successful fight also requires pride, writes Gyurcsány, but since 2010, he and his party have not been proud, because they have sent them home at every opportunity.

The next sentence comes. "First and foremost, your cause makes me proud." After the lack of success, which also stems from pride, this sentence makes even Gyurcsány a parody of himself, so "we are fighting for a good cause" already brings a smile to his face.

(And the ideological background of self-inflicted DK pride – which fits on a piece of cheese paper – perfectly shows the intellectual emptiness of the leading force of the left.)

Old Gyurcsány can make people laugh on Tuesday mornings, with coffee, while reading the news, even in times of crisis.

Source: 888.hu

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