The Castle Administration responded in a statement to the press conference of Márta V. Naszályi (Párbeszéd), the mayor of the 1st district, on Friday, in which the head of the district spoke about the fact that 54 trees are being cut down in the Buda Castle due to the construction of the government's underground parking garage, and free green space is being taken away from the residents, and they can also endanger the cave-cellar system deep in the mountain.

The Castle Administration wrote that the mayor and the people living in the Castle have been informed several times about the renovation of the western gardens, and their ideas were presented in detail at the public forum on the subject. "We developed our final plans together with the residents and the municipality, in community planning," the communique stated.

In accordance with historical traditions, visitors to the Fehérvár rondella will be greeted by a public park open to everyone and a well-organized vineyard and fruit garden with barrier-free walking paths, shaded rest areas, and the familiar atmosphere of a cosmopolitan garden, instead of a derelict area overgrown with invasive weeds.

As highlighted, the Western Gardens will be greener.

"We will plant seventy fruit trees and transform more than 7,000 square meters of green space, the size and quality of which will thus be significantly improved," the communiqué stated.

During the green rehabilitation of the area, healthy and valuable trees will be transplanted whenever possible - read the announcement, which also mentioned that the carbon absorption capacity of the renewable area will be much higher than the current one.

"In this way, not only will the air in the district be cleaner, but the works will also contribute to the greening of the micro-environment of the Buda Castle," concluded the Castle Administration.

Just like the other two, anyone can park in the new castle garage under the renewal area, including those who live in the Castle and those who work there, so the load caused by cars will be reduced for the residents of the area, the announcement states.

Source: MTI

Photo: MTI/Zsolt Szigetváry