Facebook is a great thing. If it wasn't, where would the many smart commentators explain their stupidity, how could they express their hatred, how would they push the "everything is very bad" propaganda and where could they send those who disagree with them to warmer climates?

We could organize the army of masters of splashing in many different ways, my subjective, 3-part list looks like this.

1. The hater.
Within this, several subspecies can be distinguished. There are those who cannot give a reason why they hate you. Just. Because for 20 years he has been reading and hearing that he should be hated. It doesn't matter to him why, but persistently, unquenchably. He is not interested in facts, but is willing to accept anything as cash if it strengthens his hatred. And it does not tolerate contradiction, arguments are of no use. If we try to do this, he will ride over to "Trágárföld" at lightning speed, just pouring out of his mouth (and from his keyboard) a multitude of the lowest expressions related to gender. And the horse part.

I am sad to say that the majority of foul mouthers (keyboarders) come from young men and women. In their case, it is also not uncommon to find that their biological knowledge is, to put it mildly, meager as a result of their incomplete studies. It happened that a young woman (I almost wrote lady, but that wouldn't be appropriate in this case) offered a part of her body for a meal that she doesn't have (unless she's trans). When I tried to gently make him realize this biological impossibility, it turned out that he was not even willing to learn, because he wrote the same thing again instead of an answer.

Another large group of haters is made up of the beneficiaries of the previous system. There were former workers' guards, party secretaries, former leaders of socialist companies, and those who enjoyed wallowing in the swamp, doing nothing to get through the working hours, because they were paid even if they did nothing. This hatred is somewhat understandable, they suffered real losses.

2. The smart one.
He's not necessarily a stupid person, but he's incredibly annoying. Because he knows better. He knows and teaches everything better. It doesn't bother you to make irrefutable claims citing "facts" that either don't exist or are simple statements (usually the products of globalist fake news factories), even if there isn't. For example, an OECD study appears (that is, an analysis by an "Orbánist lackey organization") stating that Hungary's annual GDP is exceptionally high, and the bigot knows and claims that it is not. The credit rating agencies - without exception! - they upgrade our country's debt rating, because the economy is considered stable and growing in the long term, Mr. or Mrs. Better Know proclaims the opposite, and irrefutably.

Why? Because the Tudálékos know indisputably that what praises the government can only be based on untruths. But at least they try to juggle things that look like arguments. This is also hatred, of course, but a more cultured form of it.

3. The non-existent.
The treasure that is not there. They are ashamed of their faces, even of their existence. That's why they hide behind fake profiles. Some of them already have a not-so-imaginative choice of name or profile picture, so you can tell that a brave invertebrate is hiding behind them. For example Korben Dallas. The photo is also of Bruce Willis, but the name of the main character of "The Fifth Element" alone is a downer. As well as János Hunyadi, although there are certainly several Hungarian Hunyadis living today who have the same name. On the other hand, the profile picture tells everything, since it is unlikely that the statue of the Nándorfehérvár hero operates the Facebook profile without any posts. In the same way, there can be real Magyar Danik, especially the one who uses ugly terms to describe commentators who form opinions he doesn't like, well, that doesn't happen to exist. Also, it exists, but it's not called this, it seems, it's ashamed of the real thing.

Why did I write all this down? Because we moderate the Facebook page of 2022plus, and recently we had to delete several comments. This is where the Dodona text came from: there is censorship here, dissent is not tolerated!

If under censorship the immediate deletion of posts that are hateful, obscene, defaming others (i.e. personally attacking) and comments from non-existent profiles is censorship, then it is. By the way, that's not the case, culturally shaped counter-opinions have a place on the Facebook page, we don't delete any of them. We don't agree with them, we argue with them, but we don't delete them.

On the other hand, we still do not want to allow room for horse parts and the most equivocal definitions and offers related to gender.

It's even simpler for everyone to understand: if you can only express your opinion by swearing, write on globalist portals and Facebook pages. It's the way there - it won't be here.

Author: Jr. György Tóth

(Header image: Facebook)