On the first weekend of September, the international folklore festival Ilyenek gyánys is organized for the fourteenth time in the Léva district. During the five-day dance caravan, seventeen folk dance groups and folklore formations will be presented in the five settlements of the district.

The main organizer of the event, the Regional Cultural Center based in Léva, places great emphasis on presenting the folk tradition and the values ​​of our ancestors in the settlements of the wider region. In addition to local and regional values, the participants of the festival get to know the culture of different peoples through the introduction of foreign groups.

Among the performers of the Ilyenek vygyus festival are the Bulgarian Ognenite, the Hungarian Szeged Dance Group, the Polish Poloniny Folk Dance Group and the Czech Lipovjan Folkloric Group. In addition to the foreign participants, folk dance groups operating in the district will also perform at the individual locations.

Among others, folk dance groups from the following settlements of the Léva district joined the festival, such as Vámosladány, Deménd, Garamkovácsi, Garamtolmács, Óbars, Bakabánya, Garamszentgyörgy.

The entire article can be read on the velvidek.ma portal.

(Cover photo: Péter Pásztor/Felvidék.ma )