Ultimately, environmental protection must be subordinated to a world state or world government, because this is the only way we will be able to protect our planet.

The Canadian oil businessman and diplomat Maurice Strong (1929–2015) is referred to as the father of climate communism. It was his idea that environmental protection should ultimately be subordinated to a world state or world government, because this is the only way we can protect our planet. Strong was therefore a supporter of global supranationalism, who, although he later tried to refine his views to some extent, still professed with conviction:

a global governance system is needed, through which nations and states are increasingly intertwined in order to deal with problems together.

Strong was also considered to have an "amazing network" that brought various interest groups together.

And one of his observers brushed off the oil tycoon's "barely concealed delight in explaining his often Machiavellian political maneuvers."

The global force began to have an effect at home as well, so a couple of years ago in the domestic left-wing press, "The year of the climate revolution?" published an article titled 2019 in which 2019 was declared the year of the "climate revolution" in connection with an action in England by the global environmental organization Extinction Rebellion. Activists of the movement did nothing more than glue themselves to the window of the gallery of the British Parliament to draw attention to the risks of social and ecological collapse. However, after they were removed, they tried to paralyze traffic in London on several occasions, and thus, as one columnist notes, they caused an excess of carbon dioxide emissions through the traffic jams, "which at least ten hectares of forest can neutralize in just one day".

The pseudo-green, pseudo-leftist street revolutionaries act in a way that violates the peaceful order of society or even with open physical aggression, as we have already seen examples of in the United States and Western Europe in recent years. From 2018, the toolbox of physical atrocities became an important accessory of the globalist left in Hungary as well.

On the other hand, they try to make it as difficult as possible for those protesting for real social goals or against the inexorable "green policy". A few months ago, for example, in the Netherlands, the Rutte government resorted to strongly climate-communist tools, citing the fact that considerable amounts of ammonia are produced during animal husbandry, which is not particularly environmentally friendly; therefore, the cabinet not-so-subtly threatened the Dutch farmers to reduce ammonia emissions faster and more markedly. On the other hand, those who do not adapt can cease their agricultural activities:

"The honest message: not all farmers will be able to continue farming, and those who can, will have to do it differently."

Following the decision, mass demonstrations began and livestock farmers marched in front of government buildings, occupied roads, etc. The agrarian society thereby indicated that this style of public policy is not the right way for the government to protect the environment more effectively.

In 2019, the news reached the press that Bernd Riexinger, the president of the German Linke party, demanded the nationalization of all airlines, so to speak, in the name of the fight against the climate crisis and global warming.

"What can have such dramatic social consequences must not remain market-based and unregulated"

- said the leader of the radical leftist party at the time. However, the issue of regulation is by no means conceived along the lines of local, patriotic, national libertarian (liberal nationalist, if you like) principles, even on the German left.

It is therefore more and more obviously "fashionable" that they are the spiritual heirs of communism, which was praised for a long time in Western Europe (see by Sartre and others) and experienced bitterly in the Eastern bloc (and unfortunately, their willing assistants who overwhelm the various false-conservative, pseudo-Christian democratic Western parties ) support the socialist-climate-communist transformation of the economy and society, more precisely the new model of a managed global economy and open society. And they do this with an octroiated, violent, relentless, punitive policy, an approach that permeates their foreign policy thinking to a great extent. And the result of everything is war-like economic destruction, an energy crisis, and almost complete dispossession - in an ideally open multicultural world that wants to be communist and liberal at the same time, and where the post-welfare world is increasingly characterized by constant violence and frustration, with the decision-makers looking away societies.

Source: alaptorvenyblog.hu

Photo: MTI/Zoltán Balogh