The Bácsalmás A&É Tender Bt. , the Earlier I Arrived Foundation , the Bácsalmás Cultural Bridge between Spaces Foundation, Hungarian Women's Interest Association in Budapest and the Women for the Future of the Nation Association respectfully invite you László Tolcsvay – Péter Müller – Péter Müller Sziámi : Mary's Gospel c. rock opera for an oratorical performance.

Date: Monday , September 19, 2022, 8:00 p.m

Location: Szeged Cathedral ( 6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 15.)

They contribute:

Mária – Mónika Jásza Sáfár is a Mari award winner, a worthy artist

Jesus - Zsolt Homonnay is a Jászai Mari award-winning dramatist

JánosTamás Kaszás Földes is an Attila Prize-winning actor

József - András Kőrösi opera singer

Herodes - singer Balázs Deák

the Pannonia Sacra mixed faculty led by Katalin Sillo

for the creation of the first public statue of Klára Zsindelyné Tüdős , the life-saving clothing and costume designer, film director, and ethnographer founded the association's paper, Magyar Asszony, as the first president of the National Reformed Women's Association . According to the plans, the statue will be erected on July 20, 2025, the 130th anniversary of the birth of Klára Zsindelyné Tüdős.

The program is implemented with the support of Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt. , the Prime Minister's Office , and the National Cooperation Fund

The event is free, and the organizers welcome all interested parties!