The first voters consider themselves to be right-wing, moderate and liberal, moderation instead of radicalism characterizes the world view of the young generation - the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (MCC) announced the results of the public opinion poll of its Youth Research Institute on Monday with MTI.

A representative survey conducted by the Youth Research Institute in May and June revealed that young people aged 18-21 prefer to define themselves as right-wing : among the age group examined, one and a half times as many (36 percent) classify themselves as right-wing than left-wing (24 percent).

On the conservative-liberal axis, the ratios are reversed: 26 percent identify as more conservative, while 31 percent identify as more liberal. And the moderates are in an outstanding proportion, three times as many (46 percent) as those who identify themselves as more radical (15 percent), the information reads.

They wrote that on a scale from 0 to 10, where the two extreme values ​​represent the two extremes, the phenomenon of "pulling to the middle" prevails in all three dimensions: 27 percent of the first voters claim to be "half way" between the left and and the right, 28 percent stated that they were in the middle of the conservative-liberal axis, and 27 percent said the same about themselves in the moderate-radical dimension.

So, more than a quarter of the youngest voters place themselves right in the middle in all three coordinate systems, they pointed out.

In the announcement, they also pointed out that the 2020 large-scale youth survey offers additional aspects in the interpretation of the results: based on interviews with 8,000 young Hungarians aged 15-29 - along similar value scales - a decidedly moderate, showing an orientation towards national sovereignty, rather liberal, a youth divided in terms of right and left was shown.

The proportion of young people who positioned themselves in the center - that is, who chose the middle value - was also more significant in this research than those who classified themselves in crystallized ideological categories.

It was reported that, although the terms "right-wing", "moderate" and "liberal" are not mutually exclusive in the self-definition of young people, the age group considers itself to be moderate in terms of its choice of political values.

The research was carried out by personally interviewing a thousand people, with the cooperation of Társadalomkutató Kft., by the Youth Research Institute. The representative address list was made up of those 18-21-year-olds who could take part in the parliamentary elections on April 3, 2022 for the first time.

Source and title image: MTI/Tamás Kovács