A small but very important change was made in order to protect the lives of fetuses (meaning: our most vulnerable fellow human beings). The reactions from the left are scandalous.

But we need mercy.

An important decision has been made, one that can save human lives from death. Moreover, foreign experiences unanimously confirm that the conditional method is completely unnecessary, i.e. the statement is correct: the decision will most certainly save human lives. Normally, this is celebrated.

That the heartbeat decision is not unanimously celebrated by society is a symptom, and I fear it says too much about the Western world of 2022. The fact that it is a matter of debate whether a person is a person, that the denial of science has started on this topic as well, and even the denial of the value and dignity of human life, is perhaps the biggest exclamation mark of the self-consuming process of the dehumanizing, extremely liberal age. Of course, there is no need to prepare for a funeral, the culture of death will not have the final say.

Rather, it belongs to those who believe that life is an absolute value. Those who claim that

life is sacred, it cannot be negotiated

neither in the womb nor outside, from conception to natural death, is entitled to full protection, and those who believe that the "Thou shalt not kill!" His command obliges and is not something that can be bent at will.

Of course, as expected, the amendment provoked almost hysterical reactions in extreme liberal circles. For example, Olga Kálmán, a politician from the Democratic Coalition, interpreted the measure taken to protect fetuses, that is, our fellow human beings in the most vulnerable position (which, unfortunately, does not prohibit abortion, i.e. anyone who wants to end their child's life at all costs, is you can still do it) that the government is kicking vulnerable people. We respectfully congratulate you on the decipherment, which lacked even the tiniest appearance of logic.

Rita Antoni is worried because she believes that the path to life-threatening abortions has now opened. In addition to the fact that the lady probably did not read the text of the amendment, she ignores a non-incidental fact, namely that

each abortion is scandalously life-threatening

and only in the rarest of cases does it not lead to the death of a person. In addition, he sometimes physically, but certainly also mentally damages another person, the woman so protected by Antoni Rita. (An interesting question is why a woman developing inside the womb does not deserve protection...)

Then there is a theologian who defines himself as a Catholic, who - what a surprise! - again opposes Catholic social teaching and what the Savior taught. His soul is on it - unfortunately literally.

Katalin Cseh, who used to laugh cheerfully at the fact that taking human lives is like using a stick blender, is now deeply outraged because, based on her reasoning, it cripples women mentally when they become mothers. Abortion is enough, isn't it... Katalin (along with the others) forgets: the fact that she became a mother, no one has ever regretted it. The fact that she gave her head for an abortion was regretted by almost everyone.

Árpád W. Tóta once again saw the opportunity to verbally wipe the floor with Christianity, but the fine gentleman sees an opportunity for this in everything, perhaps some kind of deep frustration may cause it, but it is certain that even he did not appreciate the value of human life in its entirety …

These are quite demonic reactions. They are rampaging and killing each other because a small ( though obviously important ) step has been taken to protect life.

However, life is an absolute value, life is sacred!

And it cries out for mercy: for us to stand on the side of the most vulnerable, practice mercy and give everyone a chance at life. May all our fellow humans have a happy birthday!


"Many children can be saved thanks to this" - Hungarian pro-lifers on the government's decision
The recent decision, which ties the decision on abortion to listening to the baby's heartbeat, is both saving lives and shaping attitudes, prominent figures of the Hungarian pro-life movement emphasize to Mandiner. They add that now the child can finally message his parents.


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