Early yesterday afternoon, a video appeared on the Facebook page of the Democratic Coalition, in which Csaba Molnár announces that Dobrev has been asked to form a shadow government. Dobrev accepted the invitation.

"Today, the presidency of the Democratic Coalition asked Klára Dobrev to form the first real shadow government in Hungarian history and to show that there is an alternative capable of governing, there is hope and there is a way out of the livelihood crisis that Viktor Orbán has pushed our country into," reads the video in a linked post.

It also turned out that DK continues to screw up its supporters: the head of the shadow government will name his shadow ministers on Monday at a public press event.

Source: Mandarin

Photo: MTI/Tibor Illyés

2022 plus:

Well, they were prepared for this, that is, the enemies of the country, who used and are using everything in the EP to come to power, even made their friends believe such absurd things that there are no minority rights in our country, they even persecute the Jews together with the Roma, there is no such thing , democracy and the rule of law have neither name nor ashes. The election was rigged, otherwise Ferenc and his wife would be in power, etc. And all this is believed by the company of foolish liberal representatives, none of whom have perhaps visited Hungary yet, but they judge, relying on hearsay without any knowledge.

Since spring, the residents of the "Apró" villa have been gritting their teeth and doing everything they can to ensure that the power falls into their laps, trusting that the money will flow, because in one fell swoop, they will offer the country to the left-liberal LGBTQ community. Because, as they believe, Orbán alone is responsible for the current energy crisis, but Dobrev will create Canaan in a matter of days, because he is the hope and the way out.

Of course, we still have to be excited until Monday, when the DK company named after Klára comes out and announces in Dobrev's shrill voice who will sit next to her in the shadow chair. Until then, we can only guess, but Újhelyi and Cseh will likely receive ministerial rank, as will Gy. Németh and whistleblower Csaba Molnár, whose live announcement is worth watching only because his voice and gestures are just like Ferenc and his wife.

Opening photo: MTI/Tibor Illyés