The ornate company was formed under the leadership of Klára Dobrev, everyone took their shadow chairs puffing, saying that they respect neither God nor man, only themselves. They decided that, if it breaks, they will form a shadow government on Monday, September 19.

On the day when the whole world shared in the mourning of Great Britain. Not only did the world's top leaders appear in the English capital to share in the royal family's grief, but hundreds of millions of people watched London with deep condolences, except for the South Korean shadow minister Branch, who triumphantly announced the formation of their ghost government.

So the timing was good, because their typical violence knows no bounds, they decided to attack the Orbán government and the majority of the voters, because they are the enemies of the nation, counter-revolutionaries. Because, as they say along with their EU liberal friends, there is no democracy and rule of law in Hungary. Of course, EU parliamentarians forget to ask how a shadow government can be formed where there is no democracy.

But this is just a little side note, because it reflects well that II. On the day of Erzsébet's funeral, the shadow ministers announced the formation of their shadow government, which clearly shows the extent of their gray matter. Presumably, they expected a "huge international response" after Klára's solemn announcement, but this was not possible due to the mourning ceremony.

It can be said that this whole shadow government is sad, whose members have now sat in the gender shadow chair and think that the angry winds coming from them mean redemptive thoughts. No, and that's why we recommend:

See a doctor

Source: HG.HU