In war, there are no good and bad, no winners and losers, because war is bad and everyone loses in it.

This cliché-like idea hides an increasing logic of war affecting our days, which can be clearly proven.

Seven years ago, the border incident at Röszke, that is, the violent attack by the soldiers of the invasion against the Hungarian border defense, was clearly intended to weaken the order of Europe.

The real goal of the controllers hiding in the background was not to test the ability of the Hungarian border defense, but to prepare for the outbreak of civil wars expected in Western Europe in the near future.

Obviously, it is important to back up the reality of this strong statement with facts. What was clear about the illegal migration that started in 2015 can now be seen, that the process is a deliberately provoked invasion, which is not spontaneous, but controlled, and is aimed at occupying our continent and transforming our usual way of life.

Seeing what has happened since then, the events of the past seven years confirm the vision at that time. The consequences of the effectiveness of the tools and tactical elements well chosen by our enemies can be clearly seen.

It is simply that the growth of the wealth of the financial world, which dominates the world economy, was hindered by the consolidated state of Europe. A stable civil existence based on order and material and existential security was a challenge for them.

Moreover, not only the West, but also Central and Eastern Europe, step by step, began to recover from the ruins of the forty-year socialist economy. Amidst the disapproval of the members of the background power, a kind of pan-European interest developed, where the development of individual nations could be integrated into the global interests of the continent.

This is completely unacceptable to both the military industry and the banking world, which envisions its own loss of space. Namely, because the military industry needs continuous armed conflicts - if you like, wars - in order to increase its existence and profits.

The full article can be read in Magyar Nemzet.

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