The traditional torch-lit commemorative procession held on the occasion of the 66th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle from the University of Technology to Bem tér.

Memorial procession with torches, October 23, 1956

Young people before the start of the traditional torch-lit commemorative procession held on the occasion of the 66th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle at the University of Technology on October 22, 2022.
MTI/Tamás Kovács

Memorial procession with torches, October 23, 1956

Participants of the traditional torchlight commemorative procession held on the occasion of the 66th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle on the Szent Gellert wharf on October 22, 2022.
MTI/Tamás Kovács

Memorial procession with torches, October 23, 1956

Prime Minister Gergely Gulyás (j) and Csángor Csáky, president of the Rákóczi Association (b) before the start of the traditional torch-lit commemorative procession held on the occasion of the 66th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle at the University of Technology on October 22, 2022.
MTI/Tamás Kovács

Memorial procession with torches, October 23, 1956

Participants of the traditional torchlight commemorative procession held on the occasion of the 66th anniversary of the 1956 revolution and freedom struggle at the Mûyegyetem wharf on October 22, 2022.
MTI/Tamás Kovács