The control introduced at the Hungarian border would not have the expected effect, Interior Minister Roman Mikulec (OĽANO) stated on Tuesday in relation to migration. According to him, the focus should be on protecting the external Schengen borders.

According to Mikulec, control of the Hungarian border could theoretically be introduced, but this would limit Slovakian citizens arriving from abroad. He also pointed out that the measure would be too expensive, in addition to the lack of police and available equipment, since Slovakia is already a member of the Schengen area. The minister's further argument is that, according to EU rules, the increase in migration is not a reason to tighten controls at the border.

"It is a misconception that we would be able to seal the border hermetically and not a single soul would come through, it is impossible, that is why we say that the solution is cooperation between states and control of external borders," declared Mikulec . He considers the control of the Slovak-Ukrainian border with international cooperation to be a good example.

Mikulec said that due to the increase in migration, they are patrolling the entire territory of the country, and along the Hungarian border together with the Hungarian authorities, Slovak police are also helping on the Hungarian-Serbian border. He said the ministry would do everything possible to curb migration and send refugees back to their countries of origin if possible.

"The European Commission must negotiate readmission agreements with Turkey and Serbia," he added. Slovakia is also putting pressure on the Commission, for example, to harmonize visa policy with Serbia, and to punish people-trafficking and to reimburse costs, as in the case of refugees from Ukraine.

Source and title image: felvidé