For the sixth time now, the Hungarian Writers' Association, the Benczúr Ház Cultural Center and the Magyar Napló Kiadó are organizing the evening commemorating the memory of János Oláh, the poet, writer and publisher who died in July 2016.

The program of the Memorial:

Welcome: Zoltán Jánosi, guest of honor
Discussion, magazine presentation (Literary Magazine - János Oláh issue, Zoltán Jánosi's monograph on János Oláh) : Zoltán Jánosi, János Lackfi, János Péter Kondor
Presentation of awards for the most successful author of the year (Orpheusz Publishers, Széphalom Könyvműhely, Magyar Napló Publishers)
Presentation of the János Oláh Editorial Scholarship
Contributor: Balázs Lázár, poet, dramatist
Location: Benczúr Ház Cultural Center (1067 Budapest, Benczúr u. 27.)
All interested parties are welcome.