If an economic blockade begins, Hungary will end up on its periphery, luckily on the western side - Viktor Orbán talked about this, among other things, in his speech at the Hungarian Standing Conference, the national political forum of the world's Hungarians.

In 2019, one of the most important questions was whether we should move in the direction of mixed parties for the sake of cross-border political representation, or should we hold out for the ethnically unified Hungarian representation, recalled Viktor Orbán at the current Friday session of the Hungarian Standing Conference. The Hungarian Prime Minister highlighted

this temptation is constantly present in Hungarian national politics, and there were periods when MÁÉRT was not united on this issue either.

The Prime Minister highlighted that the situation is much clearer at the moment, according to the election results, all Hungarian communities in the EU states clearly answer this question,

that there is a greater chance to represent our interests and values ​​in a political structure organized on an ethnically uniform basis, therefore today we reject much more clearly the otherwise benevolent offers that suggest we switch to a system of mixed Hungarian representation.

Viktor Orbán recalled that since 2019, the claim that Central Europe will be the economic engine of Europe has strengthened, therefore he believed that Hungary should invest resources and energy in the construction of the Central European economic area, because the results prove this. He added that the economic revitalization programs with which the Hungarian government supported the areas beyond the border contributed to this success. Viktor Orbán also spoke about the fact that, compared to the meeting three years ago, it is still true today that the Balkans are important in reducing migration, but only Russia and Turkey have increased their influence in this region in the recent period. What is an important change, however, is that three years earlier the dynamic of the Visegrad Four was much more lively. Viktor Orbán explained that there have always been efforts in Brussels to weaken the V4, which are able to demonstrate a strong force for asserting their interests together. As noted,

Obviously, those who, after the separation of the British, think that the European Union is a structure built solely on the German-French axis, and did not want a third actor in the form of Central Europe and the V4, are not interested in Visegrad cooperation working .

He pointed out that uncertainties arose on the part of the Czechs and Slovaks,

the voices that relegated the importance of V4s to the background appeared. The prime minister added that in the case of the Poles, it was the Russian-Ukrainian war that transformed this relationship and made it complicated, despite the fact that the interests of the two countries are otherwise the same.

Both of us are interested in Russia not being a threat in the region, and that there is a sovereign state between Russia and Central Europe, which we call Ukraine for the sake of simplicity. Viktor Orbán believed that although the Hungarian goals are the same as the Polish ones, the means are judged differently by the two countries, since our country basically sees the solution to the problem in the ceasefire and peace negotiations through a European security arrangement in which Russia has a designated place, a place , which is neither harmful nor dangerous for us.

Source: Pest Boys

Featured image: MTI