At the end of May, the Weekly Pro-Life series started on EWTN's YouTube channel. As part of the program, eight interviews were conducted with prominent international representatives of life protection. In the conversations, we can not only get to know the people, but many misconceptions and lies about abortion are also exposed. will publish a video every week until the end of December. In the fifth part, Dr. Christina Francis talks to obstetrician-gynecologist Sára Pontifex, a member of the Youth in the Service of Life community. The doctor talks about why abortion can never be the best solution for women, and how mothers who lose their fetuses against their will should never talk about abortion.

In the fifth episode, Abortion is Never a Medical Intervention, Dr. Christina Francis, President of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), was a guest of Sára Pontifex. The association is a professional organization made up exclusively of life-saving medical professionals - doctors and nurses. The aim of the organization is to show how the position can be defended with tangible evidence: the mother and the unborn child deserve protection.

The members of the organization are not only pro-life, but also pro-mother. According to them, the duty of the obstetrician-gynecologist is always to try to save the life of the child and the mother. They believe it is important for people and lawmakers to be aware that abortion, in addition to taking an innocent human life, is harmful to women.

The doctor also lists the dangers to which a woman who has undergone an abortion is exposed. On the one hand, there is a higher risk of premature birth during later pregnancies. Especially if the woman has an abortion before the birth of her first child. In addition, the possibility of mental problems increases by 81 percent. This is often not associated with abortion, as it may not develop until years later.

The third and perhaps most surprising consequence is that the risk of breast cancer also increases as a result of abortion.

What if a woman's life is in danger?

This question is often asked by pro-abortionists to end a debate. According to the doctor, the pro-lifers often cannot even answer this, since according to them the life of the mother is at least as important, or even more important, than the life of the fetus.

However, abortion does not provide a solution in such a situation either.

The purpose of abortion is always to end the life of the fetus. If the fetus must be removed from the womb in order to save a mother, labor is artificially induced. In the process, the fetus may lose its life, but this is never the primary goal.

In many cases, moreover, the doctor adds, in an advanced stage of pregnancy, abortion is a much longer and more dangerous solution than giving birth to the fetus.

Not to mention that pregnant women at risk do not go to an abortion clinic, but to a hospital for help.

The doctor thought it important to emphasize that someone is pro-life, not anti-woman. In fact, he thinks it is

"unrestricted access to abortion violates women's rights, including the rights of unborn women".

After all, abortions are performed in many countries just because it turns out that the fetus is a girl.

According to him, it is also a problem that in today's medical training, the importance of abortion is taught in a completely different way than before.

Today, medical students are told that abortion is always recommended to women because it is what they want and need.

But that's not the case.

According to him, "women deserve much better than abortion", so it is the duty of doctors to help pregnant women who are in a difficult situation and not to push them to abortion clinics.


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