The American society is negligibly small, only three percent, interested in spreading the culture of cancellation. On the other hand, the majority hates the political division in the United States, which has become so severe today that criticizing issues important to liberals, such as illegal immigration, can even cost you friends. On the CNBC program, Harvard University professor Arthur Brooks talked about how a vocal minority is trying to control the United States, and even the leaders of large corporations would be forced to join the culture of abolition and side with them in the political war.

"97 percent of Americans hate that politics divides the nation, and the remaining 3 percent are activists who promote a culture of cancellation and try to force corporations and citizens into their own culture war," he said. Arthur Brooks is president of the American Enterprise Institute and a professor at Harvard University on CNBC. Brooks said that over the past six months, he has spoken with numerous corporate executives about the culture war that is dramatically dividing the American nation.

The professor said that during the conversations, he drew the attention of the company managers to the phenomenon of growing activism, which, according to him, had not been paid enough attention until now. In the interview, in a direct message to the leaders of large companies, he stated:

three percent of corporate workers engage in activist activities instead of working. These people seek to force corporations into their culture wars and political resolutions. Brooks emphasized that a significant majority of workers feel harassed by activists.

CEOs, he said, need to stand up for themselves and the majority of their company's workers and make it clear that they are not obligated to participate in America's culture war.

According to Brooks, the social divisions in America today are so severe that

right-wing people are ostracized by their friends even if they do not express a single populist idea, but only dare to criticize things important to liberals, such as illegal migration.

Brooks also pointed out that these activists have also launched a campaign against US billionaire Elon Musk for buying Twitter and standing up for free speech. Liberal voices are now claiming that anyone who buys a Tesla is supporting hate speech. Regarding the show, Elon Musk also responded on Twitter, where he wrote:

"The culture of erasure must be abolished".

The Harvard University professor also said that only a small percentage of American Twitter users create the vast majority of political content. Roughly 15 percent of Americans use the app, but a significant majority of them only read the news that appears there and do not form an opinion, so it may seem that liberal voices are in the majority.

The CNBC presenter recalled that in the scandal surrounding Twitter, more and more news are appearing about the uncertainty of the company's financial background, or that Elon Musk has clashed with Apple. However, Brooks said that this information comes to light when people are informed on Twitter and read the posts of the trolls who are active there. He also reminded that the directors of the two giant companies are capitalist businessmen who think on a business basis, therefore, despite the tension stirred up by the liberals, they are focused on the future profitable relationship.


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