The creative team of István, the King's Székelyföld Grand Production evokes the mood of the holiday with a classic Christmas composition, the song "Csendes éj". The song was recorded in a studio and a music video was shot for it as a gift to all those who would like to see the soloists, rock band, dancers and crew members of the production together again.

Most of the soloists, all the members of the rock band, two dancers, and the crew members also said yes to the idea of ​​making a Christmas song. The creative processes were preceded by several weeks of preparatory work,

The recording of the sound and clip took place for four days in the recording studio and in the Transylvanian Art Center in Sepsiszentgyörgy.

Zenge Kolumbán, the production manager, the creator and director of the Christmas music video, wanted to do this as early as last December, but then they would have had too little time. As he said: the choice of songs and the arrangement were completely left to the band. The mood of the song is determined by the performance of the soloists and the musical direction.

We invented the visual world, the set, the various visual elements together with co-director Balázs T. Vörös, and all of this was crowned by the wonderful dance etudes, which we owe to Ágnes Cseke, Zsolt Csaba Tőkés and Sándor Szvinyuk. Co-director, cinematographer-editor T. Balázs Vörös also confirmed that the challenge of "creating a visual and musical world in a short five minutes in such a way as to show the most important values ​​of this team as simply as possible has been maturing in them for a year."


Author: Blanka Bíró

Picture: Kristó Gothárd