I have been reading Ferenc's Facebook posts for weeks. Those empathetic, deep-ploughing, very rich in vocabulary thoughts, which of course do not lack slogans, and the mentality that I look down on you from the "Apró" villa, I keep my watchful eyes on you, is clearly perceptible. It is palpable that Ferenc has changed his style, with his writing he tries to play the role of a "wise man".

For example, in his post yesterday he wrote:

"He who saves one life saves the whole world. When the Shadow Government asked us, DK people, to help those in trouble, thousands sent little so that in the end we could give to many.

The Rezimentő Alap made the end of the year easier for 500 families, with more left over for Christmas, the evening dinner, and gifts. I don't know if that's too much or too little. But yes, those who received it could feel for a moment that there is love on Earth, attention, compassion.

We, here in DK, are looking for the answers to our country's big questions, we are doing our best to bring the country to light, meanwhile we understand the creaking reality of everyday life, the tight life between nothing and something. Great people make up the Democratic Coalition. Those who dare can act. Because a better age must come, will come."

You can discover really beautiful thoughts in his sentences - you can say Ferenci Deák. But Mr. Gyurcsány, you are not like that, you are a guy with a tougher, rawer style, just like the people of DK who are considered great.

That is why he will not achieve success with his sentences like these - these are not his thoughts - because the majority - as he has already testified several times - does not want to take his own responsibility, because they know very well where his blinding thoughts come from and where they lead. Not to mention the way in which he wants to achieve it, which is confirmed by the formulation below - born in ancient times.