Russia sent a serious message to the Western world by announcing the end of the Poseidon project and the test of the Jars intercontinental missile systems' mobile controllers, Israeli security policy analyst Robert C. Castel writes on social media.

The extremely fast Poseidon, which is nuclear-powered and capable of carrying nuclear charges, was designed to bypass NATO defense systems and attack coastal cities from behind. They are able to deliver the innovative device to any location without being noticed, and in the minutes before detonation, it can accelerate to such an extent that it can no longer be neutralized.

And the kind of destruction it does depends only on what it is filled with and at what depth it is detonated.

At worst, Poseidon could be the world's biggest dirty bomb.

If it explodes at a shallow depth under the sea, it can cover the attacked city with a radioactive wave and completely destroy it, and it could even destroy the British Isles. The military exercise that started at the same time as the completion of the torpedoes also fits into the same row as the Russian military exercise held close to the Finnish border, i.e. another step up the escalation ladder. (…)

The 14 Challenge 2 tanks offered by the British, no matter how modern and easy to use, cannot change anything in the course of the war.

The significance of the British announcement is actually to break the ice and persuade the Germans to hand over some of their Leopard tanks to Ukraine.

With this step, many countries, from Sweden to Indonesia, would have the opportunity to offer a dozen of their own Leopard devices, which would give Ukraine a serious strike arsenal."


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