The leader of the DK appeared on Facebook with another post, today he shared his profound thoughts with his followers about Jesus and love.

"You can say it's your world and fuck everybody, America is for Americans and all that stuff works, now more than ever we understand that, but you can also choose to say you love the person, not only because Jesus taught this, but because you also think this, and you can be Hungarian in a way that we also have under our skin here, that you don't have to hurt or hate, you can love the other, be curious, protect, help. You can decide.”

Charming, isn't it?

I imagine how a DK loves. As he loves a pro-government Hungarian. Or one from Transylvania, one from the highlands, one from the south; anyone who is not a member of the sect. As he loves a Russian. Or how he loves a gypsy.

One thing is certain: if a DK decides to love us, from then on we have no need for enemies.

Featured image: ATV