Our spiritual patriot once again proved that he is the representative of the soul and heart of our national majority in the world.
His speech at the UN was about the future not only of Hungarians, but of the sane citizens of Europe, the inhabitants of our continent, in a clear voice, with deep concern.

The Russian-Ukrainian war cannot escalate any further, cannot absorb the responsible sanity of the EU's leaders.
At the meeting of the UN Security Council, the Minister expressed his faith in the creation of peace, which is now the wish and interest of all the inhabitants of the continent.

It is time for the top leaders of the European Union to start negotiating a ceasefire between the warring parties.
Let the guns fall silent, let diplomatic solutions come to the fore. In this case, the nations will line up behind the EU leaders in the one-way street of peacemaking.

László Csizmadia, president of CÖF-CÖKA