Hungary buys gas from the Russians more expensively than other countries - Benedek Jávor told the Polish Euractiv the other day. The mayor's "advisor" in Brussels is probably knowingly lying. This is your honor. "Hungarians willingly do what others would do for blackmail. They want to maintain good relations with Russia. [...] They believe that Moscow will defeat Ukraine, and there is a chance to modify the Ukrainian borders and annex Transcarpathia," the man of Karácsony says. With his statement, he puts the lives of our Transcarpathian Hungarians in immediate danger.

Who is this unscrupulous man?

When the Hungarian electorate decided in the last EU vote that it would henceforth dispense with the industrial-scale announcements of the dialogic Benedek Jávor and his Brussels-based scheming, his kissable party partner, mayor Gergely Karácsony, did not forget his down-to-earth comrade, he also included him in the friendlies. He made him head of the Brussels office of the Hungarian capital. Jávor was tasked with representing Budapest in the EU in innovation and climate matters, as well as lobbying for our rainbow capital to bypass the Orbán government and receive the money from Brussels directly. (In addition, of course, to the non-stop slander, the Orbán government's notorious show-off.) Jávor recently spoke in EUobserver about the need for the rule of law procedure in relation to Hungary. That's why he's pushing me.

Of course, the dispatch of the eco-warrior in the molino image is also a reward vacation, with public money. Did our hero achieve any of his goals? I would. Every month, he grabs the million-dollar appanage for his vileness.

Well, he is Benedek Jávor.

Author: György Pilhál


Cover photo: Benedek Jávor (Photo: MTI/Márton Mónus)