We are waiting for them to distance themselves, because if the leftists are already demanding distance due to putting up a cross, then the violence should be condemned now, but they are silent.
Leftists have always been blind in their left eye - Zoltán Kiszelly, director of the Századvég Center for Political Analysis, answered Magyar Nemzet's question about the fact that over the weekend, far-left counter-protesters beat people who were believed to be far-right based on their appearance.
If the counter-demonstration is canceled due to lack of interest, then foreign wage-demonstrators are needed, there were hardly any Hungarians among the attackers
- he beamed at her. The analyst added: there is a double standard at work, which was already visible in the 2000s during the Gyurcsány administration, when the XX. Among the symbols of 19th century dictatorships, the far-right ones were banned, but the far-left ones were not wanted. He added that they did not experience the horrors of communism in the West, which is why, on the one hand, they are more permissive there, and on the other hand, the entire globalist ideology is left-wing, which they do not want to condemn in any form.
He emphasized that both extremes have been rejected in Hungary since 2010, and the government equated them with the Basic Law.
The director also touched on the fact that the current left does not want to place its ideology on the same platform as communism, with the death of millions, while even the smallest deviation to the right is washed away with extremism. - We are waiting for them to distance themselves, because if the leftists are already demanding distance due to putting up a cross, then the violence should be condemned now, but they are silent - said Zoltán Kiszelly.
Cover image: the attack in Hászágrét: a traffic driver who was trying to get to work was brutally beaten by the anti-wood workers (Photo: Police.hu)