Although many people do not like Women's Day, probably because of its past. As is well known, Women's Day originally originated in the labor movement, because in 1857 forty thousand textile and garment industry workers in New York went on strike for equal pay and reduced working hours. In essence, Women's Day is celebrated to commemorate this. But, maybe that's not how you should look at this day.

Women's Day is much more than just a kind gesture towards your loved ones, acquaintances, and colleagues when you give them a bunch of flowers, but also something much more important. In addition to being considerate, you express your respect for women, which, if we want to be honest, is already dying out. Many manifestations against women can be said to be a thing of the past.

Today, women themselves are surprised when a man lets them in at the entrance, because this form of politeness has also disappeared. In the past, it was completely natural that if a lady appeared at a restaurant table, the man would stand up, or if a woman left the table to use the toilet, the man would rise from his seat.

Addresses and greetings are also a thing of the past. Even if in today's "infected" world the man doesn't even kiss the woman's hand, he could still say thank you with my hand kisser. There is no longer my lady, my dear lady, miss, or even the address with which the man actually expressed his respect for the woman. Not to mention the attentive compliments: "you're especially pretty today my lady, your new hairdo is amazing miss", and we could go on and on.

So, dear gentlemen and young gentlemen, today, when the flower is handed to the ladies as a gesture of consideration on Women's Day, remember that respect, appreciation and homage can be given to ladies not only with flowers, but also in everyday life.

Photo: Medinilla