The Hague arrest warrant issued against the Russian president binds all ICC member states, including Hungary. Our country would be in big trouble if Putin fled here.  

The obligation to arrest is binding on the ICC member states, so Putin can leave Russia, but if he goes to a country that is a member of the ICC, he faces the threat of arrest, international lawyer Réka Varga, dean of the International University of Public Service, told Mandiner.

As he pointed out, the states that are members of the ICC should arrest and hand over the Russian president to the ICC. Those who are not part of it are not bound by the arrest warrant either. So the strange situation arose that for the Russian president, one of the safe states for the arrest warrant in question is now the United States, added the international lawyer. Because

the USA is not a party to the Rome Statute, in fact, it is quite opposed to it.

Regardless, if there were another case against Putin in the United States, that is another question, they can arrest him on other legal grounds, but the arrest warrant issued by the ICC is not valid for them.

By the way, Hungary is also a member of the ICC, so theoretically our country is also affected by this international legal obligation, that is, if Putin were to come here, he would have to be arrested in accordance with the arrest warrant. But here comes the twist in the story, because Hungary did not announce the Rome Statute, which means that our country could not carry out this arrest - pointed out Réka Varga. This means that there is an international legal obligation towards our country, as we are party to the Rome Statute, but Hungary's legal system is such that all international treaties must be announced in the Hungarian Gazette, as this is the only way they can be enforced. As the dean pointed out, this announcement was not made in Hungary, that is

the "faramuci situation arose that Hungary could not arrest Putin due to the failure to announce it, but international law could demand it". In other words, international law does not care whether we announced it or not.

As Mandiner also reported, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday due to his alleged responsibility for war crimes. In response, Joe Biden stated that Vladimir Putin "clearly committed war crimes" and therefore the decision of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant is justified. He also said that while the order was "justified", they also did not recognize it internationally, the Guardian reports.

The paper added that

the president of the USA made the above statement in such a way that his country is not a member - and neither is Russia - of the International Criminal Court, nor has it previously cooperated with it.

So Biden is praising a court whose decisions the United States does not accept as valid for itself. It's a real double standard, because if it were considered valid, proceedings would have been initiated against Bush the younger and Tony Blair, since they started the Iraq war based on lies.

Civilians Info: I don't really understand and I'm often confused by this. Because of the hundreds of thousands of children killed in Vietnam, Iraq, Chile, Yugoslavia, during the Arab Spring, the international court did not issue an arrest warrant against any American president. Of course, even if it had been granted, it would not have been possible to enforce this in the USA anyway. Now, they would punish the Putins because of the abducted children, who claim that they saved the children from the horrors of the war. Of course, this can be classified as child abduction if the parents did not agree to it all, or, unfortunately, there was no one to agree because they died. They were killed, fell on the battlefield, or their peaceful homes collapsed on them, or they were also deported online. Obviously, the goal is not - although of course it cannot be ruled out in this chaotic war and age - that I want to train them as janissaries. (Let's leave the harem ladies for now, don't let your imagination run so far into the Middle Ages!)  

Seriously! Can bad-Putin boldly conflate in New York, walk in the shadow of the Great Wall of China, or in Jerusalem on the Path of Pain, or even in any of the 40 UN member states, without being arrested by the Hague Tribunal? Of course, he wouldn't be able to go to Western Europe to negotiate peace either, but he is not threatened by this danger, that is, it was said just the other day that Biden and his Western allies do not want a ceasefire or peace. They want to win the war and crush Russia. All this in a different way...are the Ukrainian parents beating the nettle and falling and fleeing and/or being kidnapped? their children.



You may remember the little girl in Vietnam who desperately ran down the road during the napalm carpet bombing. Today she lives in America and wrote in her autobiography, The Girl in the Picture My body is still full of scars today, I am in severe pain almost every day, but my heart has been cleansed. Napalm is very strong, but faith, forgiveness, love are much stronger. There would be no more war if everyone learned to live together with others, with true love, hope, and forgiveness. If that little girl in the photo could do it, ask yourself: "Can I do it too?"

Dear Biden, his allies, Volodymyr and Vladimir! Can you do it?


Featured Image: Francisco Seco