recently reported - several times already - that the Székelykapu of Sokorópátka , the special feature of which will be that it spans over the public road and proclaims the creed of the residents of the settlement: God-home-family. However, the story does not end here - in fact, it did not begin here.

Anyone can contribute to the construction of the world's largest Székely gate at account number 11737007-23744842-00000000.

Dear Readers! We would like to introduce and introduce many such NGOs. Please, if you think you know like-minded creative communities, recommend them to us and we will be happy to visit them. We welcome your suggestions to the address of Kövess nyts 2022 Kft.: 1027 Budapest, Vitéz utca 5-7. I. em. 1. Email: [email protected]