Florida Republican representatives have introduced a bill that would further tighten rules related to sex education in preschools and schools.

The Republican-authored law, which has been in force since the beginning of last year, prohibits training and lectures related to sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergartens and up to the third grade of elementary school. The proposal now submitted would extend this restriction up to and including the eighth grade. In addition, the measure would also prohibit teachers and school employees from referring to students with a pronoun that differs from their biological sex at birth.

Republican-led Florida passed a law early last year that prohibits education, training and other presentations related to sexual orientation and gender identity from pre-kindergarten through third grade. In addition, the legislation also restricts in the later stages of education, sexual education inappropriate for the age or development of the students takes place within the walls of the educational institutions. And it guarantees parents the right to take legal action in order to protect their children in the event of a violation of the law.

The reason behind the adoption of the measure was the position of the Republicans, according to which

on the one hand, it is the right of parents - and not teachers - to educate their children sexually, and on the other hand, in addition to protecting children's proper physical, mental and moral development, it must also be guaranteed that young people receive a real education, not one that is subordinated to some political goal or idea, purposeful and influenced receive pre-education within the walls of schools.

Nevertheless, the left communicated this move as an open attack on sexual and gender minorities. Democrats, the entertainment industry and representatives of the LGBTQ ideology started demonstrations across the country - the Walt Disney Company suspended its donation drives in the state, and the law even came under fire at the Oscars - as well as a systematic attack on social media platforms. launched, marginalizing the goal of child protection, mocking the measure as "Don't Say Gay" in a demagogic manner.

The president of the Florida Education Association said in connection with the case that

"it is a lie that we teach children the wrong subjects at an early age".

While Democrats say the law "instills fear in teachers to discuss such topics with their students and opens the door to frivolous litigation." And Joe Biden called the legislation "hateful."

The proposed bill (CS/SB 1320: Child Protection in Public Schools) would extend this existing ban up to eighth grade, and would also prevent teachers and school staff from referring to students by pronouns that differ from their birth names. by their biological sex. According to Republican representatives, all this is necessary to protect the basic rights of parents and to guarantee a safe learning environment.

But Democratic politicians who oppose the measure have called the proposal "anti-liberty" and "exclusionary," arguing that it ignores the rights of parents who support their transgender children's social transition. Reflecting on this, Clay Yarborough, who submitted the bill, said that there is no obstacle for children to talk with their parents about various topics or issues outside the classroom, however, certain cultural and ideological issues - mainly affecting adults - simply cannot be part of the school environment.

According to data from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 16,200 teenagers in Florida identified as transgender in 2019.


At the very least, it can be called interesting, even more vile, the dumb nonsense of the American Democrats (respect to the exception, because there are certainly normal ones among them, we just don't know about it) about "anti-freedom" and "exclusion. On the one hand, those who are curious about these aberrant ideas will get plenty of them from their very advanced press, but also from Disney's "products", and on the other hand, the supporters of the propagation of the aberration elegantly forget a small thing. Namely, that LGBTQ propaganda - if it can appear at the kindergarten or school level - violates the rights of those children and parents who say hello, but do not ask for it.

What kind of democracy is it where the demands of a violent minority can be imposed on the normal majority? In our separate article - which is about the Hungarian puppet show in Vienna , we have already expressed our opinion, which we can only confirm in connection with this news: the right to educate children sexually can only belong to those who brought them into the world, raise them, are responsible for them, i.e. THE PARENTS!

Get the LGBTQ lobby out of our lives.

(Cover image source: CitizenGo )