There are still miracles. Or are they not in politics? It seems that necessity will eventually lead the EU's leading politicians to the right path. Or maybe the order came from somewhere?

A few weeks ago Ursula von der Leyen started to mention that the EU should take more serious steps to curb illegal migration. Even back then, one wondered with open mouth how someone who had recently evaluated illegal migration as an opportunity and not a threat could make such a 180-degree turn.

Now this Weber kid is here, a great friend of our country. He was enlightened. Now the fence can (or can't) come, the moat, the castle wall with bastions, or whatever, because what is going on today cannot go on.

Indeed? Don't say it! What did this Manfred preach about in relation to the construction of our country's fence? It's not a European method, it's exclusionary, it's outrageous, we have anti-foreigners, and it's good that he didn't say that Hungary should be torn down as a fence. And lo and behold, what will the replacement bug be made of?

Is this really how the mainstream EU guard has changed? Or did they just realize that it is not good for the upcoming elections to voice something that does not agree with the opinion of the great majority? In vain, the compulsion to get votes is great, another question is, when they have already obtained it for another 5 years, will they perform a 180-degree turn again? Of course, as if they didn't advertise the exact opposite of what they are representing again...

Weber was able to declare in the columns of the Corriere della Sera that

"neither the European Commission nor some member states "do not follow a conscious attitude, do not listen, do not act despite the serious problem".

Wébike, you could easily cast your watchful eye on our country even when you don't feel like defaming us. Perhaps you could admit that we do, from the very first moment, behave consciously, observe and act. You just don't see this for some reason (we know why). God forbid that a single appreciative (or rather apologetic) sentence leaves your mouth, because that would be the first sign of the end of the world. Of course, you mess with the Italians, because if you want to be the president of the EPP again, you need their vote. Which you can no longer expect from Fidesz, since it has not been a member of your ultra-leftist People's Party for quite some time.

Oh please, not everyone is born with a straight spine, or if they are, that spine can be replaced with, say, a rubber version.

Author: Jr. György Tóth

(Header image: MTI/EPA/Antonio Bat )