The Civil Solidarity Forum joined the petition launched by CitizenGo, protesting against the illegal endeavor of the European Parliament. By signing the CÖF, it confirmed its previously undisclosed position that some institutions of the Union far exceed their powers, disregarding the requirement of subsidiarity. (The term means that all decisions and execution should be made at the lowest possible level, where they have the most expertise.)

CÖF and its news portal,, ask all citizens who love their country to join the petition with their signatures. The call can be read below.

"Another attack is launched against Hungary in the European Parliament! ...They will vote on the resolution according to which Hungary is not suitable for the presidency of the Council of the European Union.

This resolution is nothing more than another attempt to discredit and punish our country because we are going against the liberal direction of the EU.

Let's not let them expire our country. Let's act now!

Help protect Hungary! Sign and distribute our petition as widely as possible!

The resolution is also related to the issue of the rule of law and the freezing of EU funds. And these lead back to our child protection legislation, the LGBTQ lobby, gender madness and opposition to illegal migration.

The aforementioned multi-party decision suggests that Hungary, despite its previous successful presidency, is no longer capable of this role.

Zoltán Kovács, the state secretary responsible for international communication and relations, Hungary wants to put on the agenda topics that are undesirable for many, such as European demographic challenges and family policy instead of migration, which is why the attacks are coming.

"Who will hold the position of president of the Council of the European Union was decided by the Council in a unanimously adopted resolution. The European Parliament was not given a hand on this issue ," said Justice Minister Judit Varga

Although the Parliament really does not have the authority to prevent the Hungarian presidency, it can still cause a lot of destruction with its decision. This is not just politics - this is about protecting the integrity of our country. This perception threatens the credibility and future of our country in the EU.

According to the proposal, Hungary does not respect the fundamental values ​​of the Union and the principle of loyal cooperation. The EP would therefore call on the Council to find a solution to the situation, otherwise the Parliament is ready to intervene. In our opinion, however, the planned attack on the European Parliament violates the principle of loyal cooperation.

We will not leave this new attack launched against Hungary without a word!

In our petition, we therefore turn to the members of the European Parliament, calling on them to stand up for Hungary.

Don't let our country expire! Sign the petition now!

Let's just imagine the situation if the Parliament's lobby was successful and Hungary was prevented from fulfilling this important role! Do you agree with us that this cannot happen? If so, now is the time to act. We don't have much time, the vote is scheduled to be held next week.

Please sign our petition to the members of the European Parliament, in which we call on them to stand up for Hungary.

Let's protect Hungary together!"

Source: CitizenGo/CÖF

(Header image: CitizenGo )