In my opinion, the concept of the homeland should be interpreted on three levels: the nation-states, the broader European Union, and finally at the level of our Christian-based culture. Today, all three levels are under intense attack from outside and inside. The latest method of assassination against the nation-state is the mandatory migrant distribution quota accepted by the majority of EU interior ministers. The interior ministers of liberal countries, who know exactly how rapidly public security is deteriorating, are real traitors!

Oswald Spengler writes the following in his book Twilight of the West:

"In the history of every culture, some anti-national element is constantly present...who are therefore at home in the world of truths, ideals and utopias; bookworms... The fate of a nation... depends on the extent to which the race manages to neutralize these phenomena historically..."

Perfect symptom and job description! I note that

nowadays the situation is worse than it was a hundred years ago, since there are no more well-intentioned, theoretical "bookworms", the revolutionaries of our time have been bought by the pound by the money oligarchy.

The reader's memory is short, so I repeat - with interjections - the quote from Cicero (106 BC-43 BC) published in Magyar Nemzet on April 24:

"A nation can survive its foolish leaders, even its ambitious ones. (Stalin, Hitler, Rákosi, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.) But you cannot survive internal treason (because it is self-surrender). The enemy on the frontiers is less formidable because he is known and openly carries his flag. But the traitors move freely within our borders, their sly whispers can be heard in dirty alleys and in the corridors of the government. (Washington, Brussels and the left-liberal governments in the Union.) The traitor does not look like a traitor, he speaks the language of the people (Gyurcsány and his wife, Hadházy, Jakab, etc.), he bears the face and arguments of the people, he speaks to the baseness of human nature ( envy, hedonism, unlimited sexuality, endless freedom, a lifestyle without obligations), which lies secretly and deeply in the heart of every person. The traitor rots the nation's soul, works in secret, at night (Cicero could not imagine the absurdity that the traitor no longer has to hide), undermines the nation's pillars (God, country and family), infects politics (liberal opinion dictatorship, PC way of speaking, the annihilation of the political opponent, an existential threat, the compulsion of self-censorship), that it is impossible to resist. (The Western masses, weakened in their Christian-based identity, are already voluntarily marching into moral and demographic suicide.) The killer is not so terrifying. The traitor is the plague itself.”

The essence and danger of internal betrayal cannot be formulated more perfectly than this!

Basically, the so-called The Frankfurt School also aimed to corrupt the soul of the nation and disintegrate the fabric of society.

"What we have to undertake is a kind of general and extensive disintegration of the system." - announced Herbert Marcuse, one of the founders of the Frankfurt School, the intellectual leader of the Paris revolution. He recognized the terrible power of sexuality, which can be used to destroy the pillar of society, the family, because the hedonistic crowd, who no longer knows moral limits, willingly throws himself into it. His motto: "Not war makes love!" . From there, it was a straight road to gender madness. Internal treason, i.e. treason in the white man's world, and treacherously only in it, has now become the zeitgeist. The USA, EU leadership and left-liberal governments are already using it as a government program. The enthronement of moral and political nihilism is really the plague itself!

From the point of view of preserving our Christian-based culture, and also for obtaining EU funds, the most important question is what can be done against internal betrayal? I think that the tasks that await the national side can be divided into two: those requiring immediate action and long-term tasks.

Our legislation and court practice must be reviewed immediately, because "it is impossible to survive internal treason!"

How can DK Executive Vice President Csaba Molnár say with impunity: "It is my patriotic duty to prevent EU funds from disappearing into the pockets of four or five people when they arrive in Hungary. This is my patriotic duty, which I will fulfill at all costs."

What constitutes treason in our legislation? Why doesn't the government sue Csaba Molnár for bad credit

(EU funds end up in the pockets of 4-5 people), for intentional damage involving large amounts of money, i.e. treason? Is there no legal basis for this, or is the government's silence an omission?

The latter is a serious question, as the government is silent on other matters as well. When the capital and several large rural cities came under left-liberal rule, they announced a program to review all contracts and bring the perpetrators of uncovered corruption to justice. As far as I know, not a single report has been filed, the accusation of systemic corruption has fallen through the cracks, but the government did not read this on the heads of the opposition! Thus, the accusation of corruption has already burned on the government, and its swindling on the one hand drives millions of voters away from the national side, and on the other hand gives the progressives in Brussels an argument to withhold the resources that belong to us.

In this situation, the citizens must act!

The possibility that groups of potential victims (teachers, farmers, etc.) or individual natural persons can start a civil lawsuit for compensation against those members of the left-liberal opposition who openly announce that they are working successfully in Brussels on , so that Hungary does not receive the rightful subsidies! We have no choice, we have to put on the gloves against the traitors within! The entire range of victims would obviously not get their money, but with a series of lawsuits - quoting a "classic" - the vanguard of the traitors could be brought to the ground. If this were to succeed, there would certainly be an end to the open snooping in Brussels.

The other big problem is refereeing.

The so-called adjudication of large cases is the veterinary horse of our legislation. The mountains labor, the years pass, and usually not even a single mouse is born. Metro number four was handed over to traffic in 2014. In 2017, János Lázár - with well-founded suspicions of corruption - filed a complaint, because based on the report of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), a penalty of HUF 76 billion was imposed on Hungary due to various abuses. Of this, HUF 59 billion is for irregularities experienced at Siemens, Alstom, Swietelsky and Strabag. At the time, it appeared in the media that it would be the biggest corruption trial in the EU. In contrast, according to Mayor Gábor Demszky, OLAF reports are worthless. In May 2019, the National Investigation Agency terminated the investigation due to the absence of a crime, not due to a lack of evidence! (Source: INDEX 06.06.2023 update.)

According to them, either OLAF, as Gábor Demszky claims, or our investigative authority and our court are salt offices.

My question: is it possible that OLAF was so wrong and none of the accusations were stopped? Almost because it's about cartoons? Afterword (MN 11.09.2020): "However, Euronews, reporting on the OLAF report, pointed out that the European Anti-Fraud Office has recommended the largest proportion of financial penalties in the case of Hungary over the past four years. 3.93 percent of the payments of structural funds and agricultural funds were found to be problematic. This is more than ten times the EU average, writes the author of the article, but he does not add that most of the financial penalties were related to the metro 4 investment." And for more cases before 2010, so for a left-liberal government!

My questions:

have we paid this horrible penalty? If we paid, did the Union return the amount of the penalty after the judgment of the Hungarian court? Has the government done anything to correct the 3.93 percent corruption indicator in the Union's official publications?

This is a serious question, because Hungary may be accused of systemic corruption based on this indicator. Stalking this is the most effective area of ​​combat for our traitors!

And now let us review the long-term tasks and difficulties of the fight against treason. Before that, the question must be asked:

how did we get from the slogan "return everything" to indifference regarding the national feeling, and even to open treason?

By way of comparison, I ask: would Slovak, Romanian or Croatian politicians in Brussels dare to block the withdrawal of EU funds? No, because their sense of nationalism is strong, perhaps too much so, and society would immediately expel internal traitors.

János Kádár's greatest crime, which still affects today, is that a generation grew up with their sense of nation largely extinguished, while the neighboring countries pursued chauvinistic policies.

László Kövér (MANDINER, June 22, 2013) summed up this situation perfectly: "...we Hungarians learned the hard way that the Hungarians got the bottom even from the communists, who were always at the forefront of treason, treason and maiming their fellow citizens."

After the regime change, the soul of the next generation was further destroyed by nihilistic neoliberalism. The result of all this is that, according to a survey by the IDEA Institute, the proportion of the national side among the entire population - including the party called Mi hazánk - is only 35%, that of the professionally and morally unqualified left-liberal, globalist opposition is 25%, that of passive voters is 38% and other 2% (Index 27.03.2023)

History education has a key role to play in the restoration of national consciousness.

But how can this be accomplished when the Association of History Teachers states the following: "We cannot identify with the following goals of NAT. »The main goal is to establish the foundation of norm-following behavior and social responsibility, to learn about the balance of freedom and responsibility, as well as basic rights and duties.« We consider all of this unacceptable in the context of NAT, because here »norm-following« means a prescribed, mandatory ideology. This should not be the goal of learning/teaching history. From this point of view, we consider it particularly harmful that NAT considers the creation of a realistic and "positive national consciousness" based on facts as the goal of history teaching..."

Everywhere we look, internal traitors are gnawing at the souls of Hungarians! And if the nationalistic history teachers do not immediately form their own association, then the spirit of history education will be shaped by the teaching staff of internal traitors in question!

The difficulty of restoring national consciousness is indicated by the fact that the proportion of progressive political forces and passive voters without identity is around 63% among the entire population!

And in order to endure the "financial drying up" announced by the Brussels elite, sacrifice is necessary. However, the 35 percent support of the national side is not enough for this! The constantly mentioned two-thirds is just a legal technical term, a real two-thirds of the entire electorate population would be needed! In my opinion, the restoration of national consciousness has three major fronts, which I will only touch on in passing.

One front is education and training:

lovable history education and making historical films, as well as traveling students to and from the separated parts of the country.

The second front is awareness in society of the threat to our Christian-based culture and national identity.

Especially the youth do not understand where the destructive idealism of the open society leads. A difficult and sensitive set of problems, professional communication is required.

The third, very important front is to win over as many passive voters as possible (38%),

because if a large part of this crowd is stunned by the opposition with demagoguery, then they can take over power.

In order to avoid this, on the one hand, the slanders attached to the government must be washed away, and on the other hand, society must be enlightened about what they would lose with a change of government.

In this regard, much more effective social communication is needed, because the left-liberal media effectively neutralizes the government's performance with slip-ups, lies and, above all, silence. In order to improve the effectiveness of government communication, invulnerable diagrams of the most important social and economic indicators must be prepared starting in 2004. Because society does not see where our country is sailing from. I emphasize that it is not the current state of the indicators that is important, but the direction of the changes! The economic charts must be given in euros, keeping inflation to a minimum. Without such authentic diagrams, we cannot even argue against our political debate partners.

If it is not possible to eliminate open treason, then the left-liberal media cylinder - with effective foreign financial aid - will slowly crumble the resistance of the national side.

This fulfills the prophecy of Cicero and Oswald Spengler. Because the eternal revolutionary always defeats the silent majority with his hyperactivity, which simply wants to live peacefully! The will is the power, not the crowd! Every revolutionary knows this principle. I would like to know what percentage of the teaching community are members of the Democratic Union of Teachers, the Teachers' Movement and the United Students' Front, since only their voices are heard. The silent majority must wake up! I also miss the fact that the national side does not occasionally show its strength.

Such compelling reasons from the recent past: unlawful withholding of EU funds due to us; the systemic corruption of the European Parliament and President Ursula von der Leyen's one-person procurement of vaccines; acceptance of the mandatory resettlement quota. When will we march in front of the Hungarian Representation of the European Commission (Budapest, Lövőház u. 35)?

We have nowhere to back down! Nowadays, political passivity is a suicidal mentality, because in the meantime, with the hyperactivity of the eternal revolutionary, he is slowly occupying all the important positions of culture, media, education, state administration and the court, which has already happened in the West.

Our treasonous opposition, according to Saul Alinsky's guidance, is playing to exhaust society. It would be good to keep this in mind! And the most important thing is to expose traitors and eliminate them from public life by legal means!

Pál Bartha ny. forest engineer


(The article does not reflect the editorial opinion in all respects)

Cover photo: Illustration / Gergely Karácsony and Klára Dobrev on October 10, 2019. MTI/Tamás Kovács