The Bálint Ház also hosts the events of the Pride month, and the rainbow flag was hoisted on their building. However, the building's owner, the Budapest Jewish Community, took it down.

According to the Bálint Ház, this does not affect the institution's activities, reports Kibic magazine, which reports on the incident.

According to the paper, the JCC Budapest - Bálint Ház also hosts Pride Month events, and on this occasion, on June 1, the first day of Pride Month, the rainbow flag was hoisted on the building. However, the Bálint Ház issued statement

"Recently, we were forced to make a compromise that does not reflect our activities and values.

Our important partner, supporter, and the owner of the Bálint Ház building, the Budapest Jewish Community, asked us to remove the rainbow flag supporting the Pride movement from the facade of the building," they wrote, adding that "of course we remain an accepting, inclusive institution, we will NOT change our values, activities and programs."

Source: Neokohn
