Pope Francis sent a video message to a seriously ill Portuguese girl who was about to die. Edna Rodrigues has been fighting her illness for eight years, and a few days ago she was told that she only had a short time left to live.

As he had longed to meet Pope Francis throughout his life, and hoped that August 1-6 would be the occasion. he wrote a letter to the head of the church in great disappointment at the World Catholic Youth Meeting in Lisbon.

"A few days ago my doctor said he didn't know when I would go to Jesus, but it might be soon"

- wrote the young girl, who in her grief decided to write to the Pope how much his person means to her and how important it is to her and her family.

"When I heard that the world meeting was being held in Portugal, I was very happy because every time I see the Pope speaking on TV, I feel good, as if I were not sick," wrote Edna. "I love you very much and it's always been my dream to meet you."

Edna Rodrigues

Edna Rodrigues / Source: katolikus.ma

He concluded his letter by asking the Pope to pray for him and his family

The day after receiving the letter, on June 23, Pope Francis responded to Edna in the hospital in a video message.

“Edna, I received your letter, thank you! Thank you for your tenderness and thank you for the peace in your heart. This peace is like a seed planted in the hearts of all who see you and in the hearts of all who speak to you. Thanks! I will accompany you on this journey that you take. I will accompany you and I know you will be well received. I accompany you by praying for you, praying with you, and looking to Jesus, who is always waiting for us. Thanks!"

said the Holy Father.

Edna asked the Pope to pray for her, and Francis asked him to do the same for her in the video message. He concluded his words with a blessing:

"And now I bless you so that it also gives you strength on this journey".
