János Somodi, the ice cream master of the Florida Fagyizó in Balatonmáriafürdő, won the Ice Cream of the Year Competition organized for the 25th time this year with his pumpkin almond ice cream with walnut variations.

At the event in Komárom, 81 types of ice cream specialties competed for the title - read in the article of Sokšlát Vidék .

According to the portal, the contestants prepared the sweets live in front of the spectators. In addition to the traditional and non-competitive categories, a special chocolate category was launched this year on the occasion of World Chocolate Day, and the best chocolate ice cream of the year was also chosen.

This year, János Somodi, the ice cream master of Florida Fagyizó in Balatonmáriafürdő, won the Pumpkin Pumpkin Almond Ice Cream with walnut variations.

The ice creams were evaluated by a professional jury of excellent pastry chefs, an audience jury and a jury of professional organizations, the portal reads.

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