Forgetting that the age which his cattle feel as something peak and final is as transitory and momentary as any other age, and he will be judged and condemned by his future cattle in the same way.

"In the twentieth century, many first-rate scientists, artists and thinkers were socialists and communists. (So? They did some really good things.)

Not so many, but quite a few scientists, artists and thinkers were fascists. (So? They did some really good things.)

In the past centuries, we cannot find an artist and thinker (including the most progressive and revolutionary figures of their time) who was not either racist or sexist, or both, by today's «progressive» standards. (So? They did some really good things.)

What do I mean by this?

That there is no darker, more primitive, meaner, baser, stupider and in every sense more vulgar concept in existence than that which judges anyone and anything based on the value system of its own time backwards.

Forgetting that the age which his cattle feel as something peak and final is as transitory and momentary as any other age, and he will be judged and condemned by his future cattle in the same way. (Or even his current, even more extreme stupid friends than him.)"

Martin Ethelwolf / Facebook

Featured image: Márton Ficsor/Mandiner